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Common Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

Common Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of a person attacks its own central nervous system (CNS). Immunity is the ability of the body to fight against infections and keep it healthy. When the body attacks itself, considering it as foreign, the condition is termed as an autoimmune disease. Multiple sclerosis is one big example of such autoimmune disease.

It involves the demyelination of the myelin sheaths that surround the neurons (nerve cells). The myelin sheaths act as the coverings of nerve cells and serve to protect them. When the body mistakenly attacks the insulating myelin sheaths, it directly affects the spinal cord and brain and has an adverse impact on the body.

As a result of multiple sclerosis, the myelin sheath of the person ruptures at several places in the neuron, due to which many scars are formed on the neurons. This is the reason the disease is known as multiple sclerosis, where ‘multiple’ denotes ‘numerous,’ and ‘sclerosis’ refers to ‘scars.’

Causes of multiple sclerosis
The underlying causes of multiple sclerosis have been a mystery for the researchers and scientists, which is yet to be unveiled. But, it has been deduced that environmental conditions, genetics, and lifestyle of an individual also contribute to the development of this autoimmune disorder.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
While multiple sclerosis symptoms vary from person to person, there are certain symptoms that are observed on a large scale. As the myelin sheaths of the neurons are destroyed, it hampers the communication channel of the neurons. This makes a mess of signals, which are to be propagated to the normal functioning of the body. Since the brain and the spinal cord are majorly affected by this disease, a large number of symptoms are related to the aberrations related to these organs. The intensity of multiple sclerosis symptoms depends on the stage and type of multiple sclerosis that the person is suffering from.

The major multiple sclerosis symptoms are listed as follows:

  • Ophthalmic disorders
    Due to the damage inflicted on the myelin sheaths, the optic nerve of the eye is affected. This can lead to problems like blurry vision, temporary blindness, double vision, loss of vision, pain in eyes, etc.
  • Muscle stiffness
    Because muscle contraction is affected due to the demyelination of nerve cells, muscle stiffness is considered as one of the multiple sclerosis symptoms. Muscular spasms are generally observed in patients who suffer from the early stages of this disease.
  • Paralysis and numbness
    As the brain and spinal cord are affected, there is a problem in the signal transmission due to which numbness, paralysis attacks, and permanent paralysis can be observed in the patient. It has been observed that the lower portion of the body is more prone to paralysis in case of multiple sclerosis.
  • Tiredness and physical weakness
    As the insulating sheaths are affected in this autoimmune disorder, the nerves are weakened. As a result, the body becomes feeble and frail, and the person feels worn out. The continued feeling of weakness for a prolonged period might be an indication of this autoimmune disease.
  • Psychological problems
    Problems such as mood swings and irritation are known to be the early multiple sclerosis symptoms. A special condition known as the pseudobulbar effect has also been seen in some cases. This condition involves uncontrolled fits of laughter and cries and is often the result of damage or injury to the brain.
  • Vertigo and dizziness
    Vertigo is a condition in which the person feels that their surroundings are spinning. In reality, it is a kind of illusion as the surroundings do not move the way the person perceives. It also arouses a feeling of dizziness and makes the person feel out of balance. This is experienced by people especially when they stand up after sitting for a long duration.
  • Urinary bladder and bowel malfunction
    Malfunctioning of the bladder and bowel is one the major multiple sclerosis symptoms. The patient has a hard time with micturition, difficulty in passing urine, constipation, etc. All these symptoms are a result of the obstruction in the pathways of signals, which arise due to the damage to the myelin sheaths.
  • Sexual problems
    As the central nervous system is responsible for sexual arousal, the demyelination and injury to the neurons cause abnormalities related to sexual organs and sexual desires.

If you have a combination of the above stated multiple sclerosis symptoms, you must go for a check-up to your doctor. An early detection would help you control the disease in a better way, so you are suggested to make hay while the sun shines. Multiple sclerosis is generally not a fatal disease and does not cause death. But it surely alters the normal functioning of the body and makes the patient go through a lot of problems.

Treatments for multiple sclerosis
Though there is no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), some treatment methods help recover from attacks, and even manage or slow down the progression of the disease.

NUEDEXTA is an FDA-approved medicine for treating the PseudoBulbar Affect (PBA) – a condition potentially caused by traumatic brain injury, where the affected individual experiences sudden uncontrolled fits of laughing or crying. While NUEDEXTA’s treatment mechanism isn’t fully understood, it has properties that can help manage the uncontrollable emotional outbursts in MS patients with PBA.

Corticosteroids and plasmapheresis (Plasma exchange)
These are the preferred treatment methods for MS attacks. Corticosteroids help reduce nerve inflammation, while plasmapheresis is a process where the plasma is mixed with a protein solution (albumin) and put back into the body to control MS.

Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus)
This FDA-approved disease-modifying therapy (DMT) is used for patients affected by primary-progressive MS. People who undergo this treatment find a decreased progression in symptoms as compared to those who are untreated.

Interferon-beta medications and Glatiramer acetate
These are injectable treatment methods used for relapsing-remitting MS symptoms. Strenuous use of such treatments can significantly lower the relapse rate and slow the formation of new lesions.

Note that you must consult a doctor before opting for any treatment for MS.