7 Herbs that Naturally Boost Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is produced in both men and women by the adrenal gland produces along with ovaries and testes. In men, testosterone is produced by the testes, while in women, it is produced by ovaries. It is important for the proper functioning of the body. In men, it is one of the most important hormones that is also responsible for sexual performance in men. Below are some interesting facts related to testosterone that will help you understand the mechanism better:
- Testosterone helps get rid of extra fat in the belly.
- Too much testosterone can make the testicles smaller in size. Hence, the performance boosters should be taken in moderation and the doses should not be as directed.
- Increase in testosterone levels more than normal leads to aggression, acne, and mood swings.
- Money affects testosterone levels. When men earn more than average, their testosterone level increases.
- Obesity or extra fat reduces testosterone level. Men who are overweight suffer from lower testosterone levels more than men who aren’t overweight.
Here are some herbs to increase testosterone levels naturally:
Epimedium – This herb is also known as horny goat weed, which is otherwise known as icariin when used in supplements. It has male enhancing properties and is known to boost testosterone for both, men and women. This herb can be used to increase testosterone levels and is prescribed for boosting low libido, which is the effect of low testosterone. This ornamental herb from Asia and the Mediterranean is to be taken with water. About 200mg to 500mg of epimedium is to be taken with water. Since there is no clinical dosage of the herb, you can speak to your trainer or take help of a medical professional to help you with dosage amount. Ensure to take a week-long break every month while you are taking epimedium. Monitor the result and adjust the dosage accordingly.
Bulbine Natalensis – This herb to increase testosterone originated in South Africa. Used as a traditional medicine cure many infections and diseases. It is also used for ailments from bug stings, mosquito bites, blisters, cold sores, cracked skin, mouth ulcers, cuts, sunburns, and bruises. Only recently a group of researchers found the effectivity of this herb to raise testosterone levels and reduce estrogen in men. There hasn’t been any proper study of Bulbine Natalensis since it is new in the market. However, users have claimed that they have seen growth in their testosterone levels. There are some supplements that contain Bulbine Natalensis in their ingredients.
Tribulus Terrestris – Puncture vine is another name of this herb and has been used by people for many years. It is believed to boost testosterone in China and India. The intake of this herb also boosts sexual desire in men. This herb is also known to cure erectile dysfunction. This herb is also commonly found in testosterone products. This herb is also popular in the bodybuilding community for its properties. Even though this herb is known to promote levels of testosterone in men, it does not promote other related things such as strength, muscle, or recovery. Tribulus Terrestris is hence one of the right herbs to increase testosterone.
Fenugreek – This herb is easily found in retail stores or even online. It is popularly used in the Middle East, central Asia, and far east. These seeds are also commonly used in Indian recipes. This herb has shown a positive effect when used for increasing testosterone levels. It also aids sexual stimulation. A boost in libido and testosterone levels are shown when fenugreek is taken. There are no side-effects of this herb and this is, in fact, good for the overall health of the body. You can find this herb on e-commerce websites or in any retail store. It is one of the herbs to increase testosterone that is easily available.
Malaysian ginseng – The scientific name for this herb is Eurycoma Longifolia. It is also known as Tongkat Ali and is a native of South East Asia. Along with boosting testosterone, it has various other properties that are antimalaria, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, and fever reducing. Along with being one of the herbs to increase testosterone, it increases libido as well and enhances performance in sports. This herb helps with losing weight and stimulates androgen production such as testosterone. It also eases postpartum depression and high blood pressure. Fatigue too is known to be cured by this herb.
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) – This is an Indian medicine made from the herb and is used for many things along with boosting testosterone, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. The plant’s roots are used to make capsules, extracts, and even tea. Some of the benefits of this herb for men are that it increases sperm concentrations, enhances the volume of ejaculation, increases serum testosterone levels, and improves sperm mobility.
Yohimbe (Pausinystalia Yohimbe) – This herb is known to be as effective as Viagra. It increases sexual arousal in males. This can be taken with tea by making a powder of the Yohimbe bark. It can also be consumed in the form of a tablet or capsule. This herb is known to increase testosterone naturally.
These are some of the herbs to increase testosterone in men naturally. Most of the herbs have other essential uses for overall good health and can be taken by men and women. There are no given side-effects, but you must read up about them in detail before consuming them in any form to avoid any hidden side-effect.