Symptoms and Treatment of Stage III Lung Cancer
A major problem with diagnosing lung cancer correctly is that its symptoms can often be mistaken for those of another condition. Signs of cough, back pain, and weight loss are common enough that they aren’t given a second thought to and most people dismiss them. Due to this, the disease has increased chances of progressing to more severe stages before being diagnosed. As cancer grows, the symptoms become more obvious and persistent. If a person has the following symptoms for a prolonged period of time, and no treatment has provided relief, it is essential to consult a doctor immediately. Persistent or bloody cough Wheezing Pain and difficulty while breathing and swallowing Chest pain Back pain Loss of hair, appetite and unexplained weight loss Noisy breathing Exhaustion Nausea Traces of blood in saliva and mucus Fever and headache Diagnosis There are a number of ways in which lung cancer can be diagnosed, depending from case to case. The tests mentioned below are carried out if the patient or their physician suspects the possibility of lung cancer. Imaging tests: Pictures obtained through a CT scan, PET scan and a bone scan can help doctors assess if there are cancer cells, its exact location, and the size of the tumor.
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