How to Prevent Body Odor
Most of us have experienced the unpleasant body odor in crowded trains, restaurants, and other public places. Body odor occurs when bacteria that live on the skin break sweat down into acids. People who are obese, eat spicy food, and suffer from diabetes are more prone to suffering from body odor. Here are some ideas on how to stop body odor. Focus on total cleanliness : Make sure you bathe at least once a day. It is important to use soap or an antibacterial agent rather than simply rinsing with water. This will help remove sweat as well as bacteria that help create body odor. Showering multiple times is an effective way to stop body odor. Body parts that are most prone to body odor, such as the feet, armpits, pubic hair, and genitals can be swept clean of sweat and bacteria. It is critical to dry yourself completely after showering. Moisture can get trapped in places like between the toes, your belly, and breasts, allowing bacteria and fungi to prosper here. To stop body odor, one can use a blow-dryer to dry these places and ensure complete cleanliness. Fix your diet : Spices and pungent ingredients, such as onions and garlic can also cause body odor.
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